Monday, September 7, 2009

This BBQ was so EXXXTREME!

Okay, this post doesn't involve eating out, unfortuntately for everyone involved. It was actually eating in, down south of Toms River where I've been living all summer. There's a BBQ joint down there called Ben's Extreme BBQ that sounded like it would be good for blogging about. I mean, I'm an EXTREME kinda dude, and I love BBQ, so this should be a sure win. So last time I tried going there with my friend "Rick Moranis" my car died and it was a major bummer. This time I said screw this, I'll get take-out and we'll eat at my house.

I got some different stuff to sample, hoping to find the EXTREME, FACE-MELTING awesome BBQ I'd dreamed of. Got some hot links, pulled pork, ribs, brisket, burnt ends, collared greens, mac 'n cheese, and baked beans. The selection of meats was extreme, and the place is this tiny little shack with about 2 tables and 4 different sauces to sample on your BBQ. I felt like that should be an extreme feast that would surely turn my hair white and/or sterilize me or SOMETHING. Unfortunately, I'm not sterile (sorry ladies) and still have brown hair. The BBQ, while tasty, was not particularly EXTREME. The beans were kinda boring, greens had little character, and everything kinda seemed like it'd been sitting around for a while. Rick Moranis was hoping for some EXTREME food adventure, and I don't really think I provided it. But, we did have a good evening of eating out/in New Jersey.

Here's a photo of my being cautious, afraid that the BBQ might be too extreme, even for ME!


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